Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Job Hunting (Ugh!)

Tomorrow I have to do something I dread doing, job hunting. Now, why would I hate doing such a thing? Well, it involves filling out applications over and over and over with the same questions back-to-back. It gets frustrating.

But I have to do it if I want money. Which I do want it. Needing it now more than wanting. I need to make enough money to get a car. After that, I need to find yet ANOTHER job that'll pay me so much better and offers me better hours so I can eventually get my own apartment. Heck, even a studio would be fine! Studio apartments are the places to be!

I also eventually want to start school. I was thinking about going to be an ultra sound technician. I mean, why not? They make pretty good money. And who wouldn't like to look at babies in the womb everyday?! (I know there's more to it, don't worry.)

Getting an education will help me SO much more in life. And I cannot wait until I start school. I need to get on it. Time stops for no one. And I'm not getting any younger.

Well, I have nothing else to talk about for this post. So it's time for me to update my iPod, which is very much needed. Until tomorrow...

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